Ciao Reddit, chiedo ancora una volta il tuo supporto. Questa unità ha urgente bisogno di apparecchiature di comunicazione: una stazione di ricarica e uno Starlink. Abbiamo già i fondi per Starlink e dobbiamo solo raccogliere 750 dollari per la stazione di ricarica. di più nei commenti.

di CF_Siveryany

1 Comment

  1. CF_Siveryany on

    As a rule, units whose property was destroyed by the enemy and newly created units that do not yet have property ask for help. Today I would like to ask you for support for a newly formed unit. (These soldiers already have a lot of combat experience, but their units are almost completely destroyed and the new one is created on the remains of the previous ones). Thanks to the people who support us on a regular basis, we already have the funds to buy a Starlink, we just need to raise $750 for a charging station. If you are able and willing to support us, we will be grateful my PayPal is

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