I morti in guerra in Russia superano i 70.000 mentre i volontari affrontano il “tritacarne”


di dillbilly


  1. dillbilly on

    From the article:
    > We have identified the names of 70,112 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine, but the actual number is believed to be considerably higher. Some families do not share details of their relatives’ deaths publicly – and our analysis does not include names we were unable to check, or the deaths of militia in Russian-occupied Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine.

    70k *identified* dead.

  2. 2FalseSteps on

    Pssst! Hey, Orcs!

    You’d probably live a lot longer if you stormed Moscow.

    Just sayin’…

  3. Late_Singer_7996 on

    Blood for the Blood God. Those Russians are such dumb individuals. Like 100 years before. Blind to see that they are permanently in a chokehold.

  4. Used_Start_3603 on

    Ukraine should make Moscow and St Petersburg go dark by hitting power plants.

  5. real statistic is – 649,170 russian casualties, which means 300,000 dead russian soldiers minimum

    BBC keep reposting low numbers from russians

    70k – numbers from russians: “BBC Russian and the independent website Mediazona (russian)”

  6. OverThaHills on

    Add a 0 to the number and it will still not be enough for the slaves to raise up against their overlord

  7. DulcetTone on

    The number of wounded is vastly higher, and the proportion of wounded who succumb to their wounds is huge in the Russian Army right now.

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