L’esercito israeliano afferma che il capo di Hezbollah è stato ucciso nello sciopero di Beirut


di Widowwarmer2


  1. Jacabusmagnus on

    I feel for the innocent civilians caught up in that. It’s horrific and beyond description

    As for that Nasrallah I couldnt care less a truly awful human being.

  2. Not going to lose any sleep over any hezbollah members dying but what the f are israel thinking??

  3. the_0tternaut on

    They only had to kill 300 civilians in the same building, but they got ‘im.

  4. IrishUnionMan on

    Hezbollah, Iran, and Yemen have done more for the Palestinian cause than every performative protest in Ireland outside o’connell street. Condemn them, call them terrorists and this or that, but they are dying in the name of their solidarity with Palestine.

  5. jimmobxea on

    I hate Israel as much as the average normal human being and I appreciate there were a lot of civilians killed here but you’d have to say Hezbollah have had their arse handed to them.

    The claim their entire command structure has been assassinated in just a few days, you’ve seen the chart, appears to be true.

    Expected more from them, I wildly overestimated their abilities. They’ve had almost 20 years to prepare for this and have had full Iranian support. They clearly have a lot of enemies within Lebanon but that doesn’t explain how badly this has gone. Now Nasrallah.

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