L’attacco russo “Double Tap” contro un ospedale di Sumy uccide almeno 8 persone


di UNITED24Media


  1. samsteiner on

    What absolute as**oles the Russians involved and supporting this are.

  2. Gerrut_batsbak on

    And then they want to show a movie about the suffering of russians.

    Fuck outta here.

  3. And the west is still discussing fabricated red lines when these terrorist are performing a double tap attack on a HOSPITAL!!!! Just give Ukraine what they need to stop these f*ckers…

  4. Inderastein on

    Russia 2024:
    [Civilians]……………………..[>Civilian Hospitals<]…………………[Military Hospitals]…………………[Enemy soldiers at the battlefield]

    Yeah, no wonder why 498 voted “FOR” in labeling East Ukraine as a terrorist state.

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