Pensavo che il corridoio delle stronzate di Halloween fosse già abbastanza brutto… siamo a circa 3 mesi da Natale!

di bencethegreat


  1. RibRabThePanda on

    100% that’s last year’s leftover stock. (Dear God let it be last year’s stock…..)

  2. pnutbttrnttr on

    Tesco were stacking the Xmas Taytos boxes earlier. Beside the Halloween stuff.

  3. Margrave75 on

    I was in Tesco yesterday. They have staff with guns threatening to shoot customers if they don’t buy something Christmasey.

  4. Dependent_Pomelo_784 on

    I have also complained about this Christmas stuff should not arrive until at least November not in September or even before Halloween

  5. CaptainNotorious on

    Homebase had Halloween inflatables inside the door and then a forest of Christmas trees

  6. Vodkacrystals on

    In Choice yesterday all the Halloween decorations were half price already and a wall full of Christmas ones out

  7. AngeloArkham on

    My workplace started putting Christmas stuff out at the start of September. We aren’t even doing Halloween stuff, apparently. Four months of this shite.

  8. RobotIcHead on

    They have been adding them for a few weeks now. It really is bringing out the grinch in me. I love Christmas but the stress of it and the coming out so early is ruining it for me. I have stuff to fix around the house before the winter. And I definitely intend to spend less this Christmas.

  9. jamster126 on

    Not even seen Halloween stuff yet in Dunnes but the Christmas stuff is out. Madness

  10. Albert_O_Balsam on

    This is part of the reason why I absolutely loathe Christmas now, it’s just too much, Halloween the same thing, not too long ago Halloween was just a day for kids to dress up and go door to door for treats, now it’s another Christmas ffs.

  11. tearsandpain84 on

    It’s officially Christmas. If you don’t like it, if you don’t feel and act festive, then it is best that you leave the country permanently.

  12. Different-Class1771 on

    How miserable do you have to be complaining about a tiny stand with a handful of stuff on display? Its not like the shops been decked out in decorations with Christmas music on loop.

    Some people need to buy stuff early to send abroad, I’ll be sending a parcel to Oz to the brother in the next fortnight with this type of stuff for the kids in it.

  13. dublincouple87 on

    What’s more annoying is people complaining every year about the inevitable

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