Il 23° Arsenale ricevette un grosso lotto di missili per i SAM prima di essere distrutto

di Mil_in_ua


  1. AlexFromOgish on

    FYI … this is about one of the Russian depots that was recently taken out

  2. janktraillover on

    Great news! Less s-300 missiles to lob at civilians

    Slava Ukraini!

  3. TimmieFields on

    And I thought it was good news when the depot was destroyed, and now they are telling that it was even better news!

  4. Smooth_Imagination on

    One of the consequences of disrupting stockpiles is it super complicates operations and responses and hampers the enemies ability to coordinate responses, whilst they have to disperse remaining equipment. This may critically weaken them since it should delay significant responses to attacks and make it harder to concentrate forces for attacks.

  5. LizzyGreene1933 on

    How lucky 😉 Ukraine picks the right time to blow it up. 🙂

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