<< Con l'aumento delle perdite russe in Ucraina, alcuni blogger militari si rivoltano contro il Cremlino, il comando militare

Il Cremlino si trova ad affrontare la reazione dei blogger militari russi, indignati per le notizie di truppe specializzate inviate ad assaltare le posizioni ucraine per mantenere la pressione in prima linea.

Di fronte a una carenza di manodopera e alla pressante necessità di mantenere l’avanzata nell’Ucraina orientale, la Russia avrebbe lanciato alcune delle sue truppe più qualificate in attacchi di fanteria di massa, e a costi molto elevati.

"Gli ultimi quattro mesi si sono rivelati i più costosi per le forze russe dall’inizio della guerra nel 2022," un rapporto dell’intelligence militare britannica del 23 settembre.


di HerbM2


  1. One_Cream_6888 on

    Even the mil-bloggers are getting concerned about Putin’s attack everywhere with everything meat wave ‘strategy’.

    The VDV ‘elite’ paratrooper battalions have been reconstituted so many times I’ve lost count. Wagner never fully recovered from Bakhmut and their rebellion. Only the naval brigades have many ‘veterans’ and that’s only because they’re in fact sailors transferred from vessels like the aircraft carrier.

    But at least they still have lots of Tik Tok soldiers who manage to survive battle after battle.

  2. DataGeek101 on

    The saddest thing about this is that they are upset because their own orcs aren’t able to kill more Ukrainians as fast as they want.
    Effing monsters who should all go immediately to the front lines to show how it should be done.
    AFU will be more than happy to welcome them properly.

  3. Actually the millbloggers were angry long ago, they had to arrest those bloggers. These are new ones.

  4. Balancing-Unbalance on

    I hope the Kremlin quickly shuts down those milbloggers, because I fully support the punishment of various Russian specialists who are telling lies about the truth, by sending them into infantry assaults!

    So, tank commanders speaking up -> to assault on foot you go! Russia winning! S-300 operators complaining -> start marching! Russia stronk! UAV operators claiming conquered territory isn’t actually conquered -> how dare you, hand over that controller and take 2.000 steps west! Russia glorious empire!

    If I may add one tip to make their punishment complete, please do send them with empty clips! That will really-really teach them!

  5. schmerz12345 on

    Degrading the Russians is well and good but I wish the USA would let Ukraine take the gloves off. The USA balancing act of degrading Russia while not supporting Ukraine too much hasn’t worked and has probably cost many lives. 

  6. Karash770 on

    Aren’t these Milbloggers more like freelance propagandists?

  7. Mindless-Charity4889 on

    This was a problem in WW2 as well. When a T-34 tank was destroyed, there was, on average, one survivor. That survivor was typically impressed into the nearest infantry unit where he was likely to be killed.

    It wasn’t until late in the war that survivors were collected and sent back to their units to crew new tanks, thus saving all of that institutional knowledge and training.

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