Le Falkland rischiano una disputa diplomatica con la Gran Bretagna sui piani di trivellazione di un enorme giacimento petrolifero


di boycecodd


  1. I don’t know where they are getting ‘diplomatic row’ from. The Falklander position is that they are entitled to extract the oil. The British position is that it is a matter for the Falklanders whether or not they extract the oil.

  2. Spikey101 on

    I don’t really blame them. They’re stuck in the middle of nowhere and have to pay like 12 quid for a cauliflower. This money will mean a lot for development and continued independence of the island and islanders.

    And considering it’s got nothing at all to do with Britain I’d expect our objections to go nowhere.

  3. djshadesuk on

    >”*Britain is unable to prevent the Falklands from exploiting oil reserves because it is outside of the jurisdiction of UK ministers. The UK is responsible for foreign affairs and defence in the Falklands but the British territory governs itself.*”


  4. Ex-art-obs1988 on

    Non story.

    Latest democratic voting results were that population self determined to be British.

    If this goes ahead good on the falklands. Hopefully they get a good cut like Shetland per barrel.

    The place could do with a lot of oil money to improve the quality of live. 

    Plus it would be interesting to see what the Falkland defence force spends the money on. I suspect anti ship and patrol vehicles 

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