Le pompe di calore europee fanno vergognare gli americani – Se passare a una casa con una pompa di calore migliora l’efficienza energetica, perché non intere città?


di EUstrongerthanUS


  1. MrsMacio on

    Heat pumps require a lot of electricity to operate properly so as such are only effective while coupled with photovoltaic Installation.

  2. AndrazLogar on

    There are few towns in Slovenia that already make heat (for distributed heat system) from heat pumps.
    Meaning there needs to be hundreds of these examples around EU.

  3. slashfromgunsnroses on

    Our local district heating (50k town) uses any source of heat they can to heat a huge insulated pool of water. Heatpump, garbage, biomass, fuels, methane whatever is cheapest.

  4. Large heat pumps are already normal in Denmark for district heating.

  5. vergorli on

    didn’t even some dude calculate that it is more efficient to burn diesel in a generator and use the electricity to pump heat than burning the diesel in a conventional heating system and all this in a climate like Sweden?

    I might be wrong and this only counta for EVs, but I can’t recall exactly

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