I manifestanti chiedono che il Regno Unito entri nell’Unione Europea


di tempsecond


  1. schmeckfest2000 on

    No, please, no. Just no.

    Because then we’ll get years and years of Boris Johnsons complaining about how bad the EU is. That we’re all Nazis over here, and that Hitler wanted a united Europe, too. And that Brussels is the true evil in the world.

    Please, no. Just stay away.

  2. IllustriousLynx8099 on

    I think these “protests” inadvertently show why we won’t be rejoining anytime soon. The average age of these people must be 60+

  3. jimmy_the_angel on

    It’s only been 4 years that they finally left. Give it another 16 and try again. I don’t see them rejoining anytime soon.

  4. Yepclown69 on

    You ether join the EU or prepare to be exploited by big players, that’s how it is now

  5. Popcornmix on

    Wait what isolationist ideas backfire in a globalized world ? Who could have predicted that ?!

  6. Bel20_be on

    No way ,I would like a referendum in Europe to ask us Europeans if we want them back. UK cost every European a fortune with their selfish and stupid Brexit.For me it s No. Scotland could be a yes

  7. Nemeszlekmeg on

    I’d say go for it as long as they also adopt the euro 🙂

  8. NoWingedHussarsToday on

    I wonder if these people know what joining now actually means and that UK won’t be able to pick and choose what to get and give. I suspect that once they realize what it means there will be significantly less support.


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  10. valentinsdq on

    A few hundred is not enough. Joining or leaving the EU is a once-in-a-lifetime event.

  11. AlisterSinclair2002 on

    They’ve been doing that since the referendum lol

  12. greenradioactive on

    Won’t happen any time soon. That fervent Brexit faction within parliament has either got to go or never be even within sniffing distance of the levers of power.

    Besides, the UK’s glaring decline is a warning to all those who flirted with the idea of leaving, let the Brits reap what they sow so we see how bad it gets

  13. Please don’t. Europe shal unite more and progress to a Federal Union. Uk allways instigated division between EU countries. Let them stay with their imperial choices.

  14. SanTomasdAquin on

    The EURO will act as the bomb that will implode the EURO zone and consequently the European Union.

  15. TheManxWanderer on

    Personally i think its a great idea to be stuck in union with the Slovak Russian puppet and the fat Hungarian dictator.

  16. p0ntifix on

    Sure, the Tories lied to everyone, but at the end of the day people had a choice and most chose to listen to Tories. What’s done is done!

  17. brooooosie on

    Bet it’s all the people that retired in Spain and voted to leave at the same time. It was beyond hilarious watching them go home on the news

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