Ehi, quindi ci sono questi truffatori, o cosiddetti "volontari"nel mio paese che diffondono fake news e chiedono sempre 10 euro. Recentemente, un tizio mi ha contattato e ha cercato di convincermi ad andare in chiesa, che è anche un… "vieni a Gesù" uno, dicendo che era gratuito. Non ne sono sicuro, ma qualcuno ha avuto qualche esperienza in merito?

di hackerman236


  1. Openfire070 on

    Looks like the LDS (Mormon) symbol! I wonder if they just rebranded

  2. Sillinaama on

    If they don’t ask for money or ass, then where is the scam?

    Just beware that the “GOD” of the bible is actually Satan.

  3. EppuBenjamin on

    Well, any religion is based on something that can’t be proven true, so they’re all scams, basically.

  4. Much-Advertising4864 on

    Religion is a scam so yes its scam. Most likely in this one they start asking for money sooner or later.

  5. SirBackrooms on

    You should ask them what church they’re representing (most likely LDS)

  6. Mobile_Nothing_1686 on

    “Come unto..” and “finish lesson” are we finishing unto christ? I need an adult!

  7. suomikim on

    it is a part of the LDS group.

    if you like Mormonism, then this is what you’re looking for.

    if you… don’t want to have an afterlife where you’re God of your own planet and get to see if you can do it better than the original… perhaps its better to pass 😉

  8. Are you asking if they’re a scam because they’re a cult, or pretending to be a cult and thus a scam?

    It’s definitely one of them, and I’d guess the former.

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