In Germania i canali televisivi di propaganda russa sono stati bloccati

di CompetitiveNovel8990


  1. funkychubbs on

    About time. We’ve known for years that nothing but lies come out of Russia

  2. idbedamned on

    Unpopular opinion but this is not okay, and worst, it’s counterproductive.

    One of the things we take pride here is freedom of speech and free from censorship.

    Having someone decide for me what I can and can’t listen to or watch is a very slippery slope.

    On the counterproductive side I have my personal example, I never cared or barely even knew about RT, and since their website was blocked a year or so ago I now find myself using a VPN to access it every now and then to understand what’s being pushed and what the narrative is on the other side.

    Had they been allowed I’d probably never have cared bothered or known about RT.

  3. Superior European free speech: you can say anything you want as long as the government allows it.

    Inferior Russian censorship: you can say anything you want as long as the government allows it.

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