Nel 2023, il 26,0% dei giovani di età compresa tra 15 e 29 anni nell’UE viveva in famiglie sovraffollate. A livello nazionale, Romania (59,4%), Bulgaria (55,3%) e Lettonia (54,8%) hanno registrato i tassi di sovraffollamento giovanile più elevati.

di tllon


  1. A person is considered as living in an overcrowded household if the household does not have at its disposal a minimum number of rooms equal to:

    * one room for the household;
    * one room per couple in the household;
    * one room for each single person aged 18 or more;
    * one room per pair of single people of the same gender between 12 and 17 years of age;
    * one room for each single person between 12 and 17 years of age and not included in the previous category;
    * one room per pair of children under 12 years of age.

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