Video dettagliato sui miglioramenti stradali di Clontarf che mostrano quanto lavoro è stato richiesto oltre le “piste ciclabili”

di Abolyss


  1. TastelessJohn on

    Cheers for sharing.
    I knew there was a lot more going on than just a resurface/bike lane / few curbs.

    The older I get the more I understand people really just complain about a huge amount of topics they know nothing about. This is a prime example, bus gate recently.

  2. Storyboys on

    Projects involve planning and design, who’d have thought. It’s probably close to 3 years since work began on that cycle track, with disastrous consequences on local business and people commuting to/from the city centre.

    I appreciate it’s better than not having cycling infrastructure at all, but it in no way should have taken this long.

    When will they be carrying on the works further up the Malahide Road?

    I drove past the other day and it seemed the track finishes at the corner where you turn from Fairview Strand up towards the Malahide Road? Weren’t they supposed to be going all the way up the road and CPOing people’s gardens?

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