Quota di produzione di elettricità da combustibili fossili, gennaio-luglio 2024 rispetto a gennaio-luglio 2023


di Straight_Ad2258


  1. Straight_Ad2258 on

    for Portugal, a large part of the decline in fossil fuels is due to more hydro , both due to nearly record rainfall and also due to a new hydro dam (1,158 MW capacity Tamega dam )

    but wind and solar also took a bite in the share of fossil fuels

    >Solar power generated an average share of 13.3% of Portugal’s electricity so far this year, up from 10.6% in 2023, while wind farms accounted for an average share of 33.1%, up from 32.6% in January-July 2023

    for a combined share of wind+solar of 46.6% so far this year

  2. dollarhouse on

    How crazy ‘fossil fuel’ sounds when you think about it. Dead dinosaurs powering our cars and power plants. But then again, isn’t this zero CO2 fuel then?

  3. Straight_Ad2258 on

    as you can see, France performs the best in the list and among the best in the world when it comes to the share of clean electricity

    obviously nuclear plays the most important role, no one denies it

    problem is that nuclear is too expensive for most countries and compared to coal and gas

    this is why the share of nuclear has been going down every year around the world

    * in 2000, nuclear provided 16.63% of global electricity
    * in 2010, it was down to 12.82%
    * in 2023 it was down to just 9.11%

    nuclear is still growing in absolute terms ,just far slower than the rest

    solar and wind meanwhile went from

    * 0.2 % globally in 2000
    * ,to 2 % in 2010,
    * to 13.35% in 2023
    * and are projected to cross 15% this year


    i would be happy if nuclear was a solution embraced by countries around the world, but barely anyone is installing new nuclear capacity anymore

    even China installs 30 times more solar than nuclear so far this year

  4. Full primary energy usage would have been better. Show the whole picture!

  5. vergorli on

    Gigachad Venezuela decided to save climate by missing the only 100 year timeframe to pump dry the biggest oil reservoir of the world.

    I hope it hurts the OPEC at least a bit. But I suppose they already have more cash than they will ever need.

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