L’esercito dell’UE? Potrebbe finalmente essere giunto il momento per l’Europa di impegnarsi in un esercito congiunto


di EUstrongerthanUS


  1. EUstrongerthanUS on

    The EU Rapid Deployment Force is on schedule to become fully operational next year. It’s only 5,000 troops, but there are calls to increase it to 20,000 to be able to better fulfill the aims set out in the first Strategic Compass.

  2. loicvanderwiel on

    We can’t have a joint military if we don’t have a joint foreign policy. And we can’t have that if every decision has to wait for the unanimity of 27 members. We need decisiveness and currently we very much don’t.

    Not mentioning all the legal framework that comes with having a military, the need for intelligence agencies (for military, foreign and internal affairs), etc.

  3. Such_Potato7736 on

    If we combined all EU armies, would it be bigger than the US army?

  4. Zerophim on

    Make multiple Rapid Deployment Forces and have they stationed on the russian border with constant training and have ukrainian recruits so they can also learn while we are at it

  5. RepresentativeMail9 on

    Sometimes I wonder if posts like this are designed to create anti EU sentiment among member states.

  6. stonkysdotcom on

    No thanks. Please don’t move the power even further away from the people by centralizing the government even more.

  7. WesternManEuropean on

    I don’t like the idea with this kind of EU. I don’t want to serve a puppet union of countries.

  8. 190cm_Lietuvis on

    I never dwelt long on this issue, but Europe at the moment seems quite weak and divided. Like, “we” basically control the entire continent we have enormous military and economical potential, but somehow it takes months of “considerations” to send a singular Patriot air defense unit to Europe’s most threatened sector in Ukraine.. I think that without US we would have lost Ukraine already and Russians now would be marching either to Poland, Baltic States or Romania..

  9. Werkstadt on

    No thanks, sweden has conscription and conscription is exclusively for defence of home territory. Imagine not having a say in joining a military operation that’s not defence of your home country **when you didn’t choose to be part of the military**.

  10. Bring it on. We are leading in soft power time to develop our hard power as well.

  11. hemijaimatematika1 on

    Who would fund this army?

    Who would lead this army?

  12. will_dormer on

    Nah. Denmark in the last 20 years have always said yes to participate in every war, but if our forces are held up in EU we can no longer use then, since they have to stay ready in EU. This is only good for freerider peeps like Ireland, Switzerland, Austria or frontline nations like balticum and Poland, I suppose. Denmark will support frontline nations with all we got, but we also will fight russia else where than standing ready in EU

  13. ConnectAttempt274321 on

    Don’t give people like von der Leyen an army!

  14. s0ngsforthedeaf on

    It’s not beneficial economically, but I’m still glad the UK left the EU. Sorry, not sorry.

  15. Unexpected_yetHere on

    I don’t see the point.

    Instead of more complicated bureaucratic nonsense, how about the pathetic excuses for militaries in the West go arm up?

  16. silver2006 on

    This is what the pro NWO people were saying all the time around 2011!

    First one police/army in the EU, then connect all governments into 1,
    to streamline, make the decisionmaking, responses, faster

    Then the Union of South America and East Asian Union and African Union,
    then connect every union into the one World Government!

    Will help manage resources better, control the birthrate, and prevent unnecessary resistance of stubborn people

  17. Any-Original-6113 on

    I’ve been reading about the united army of Europe for 15 years. 

    If it is a military contingent that consists of various military personnel from individual EU countries, then nothing good will happen: political preferences in countries are changing, and military personnel serve the country, not the EU. 

     I am surprised that no one has proposed to create a military company, let’s call it the European legion, which every EU citizen can join, which is funded from the EU budget and subordinated to the EU structure. 

    This way, many issues can be resolved, ranging from issues of oath and loyalty to individual countries, to the political will of the EU, which does not depend on the whim of individual countries. I don’t think I was the first to suggest this, but apparently the European army, separate from the national ones, scares the leaders of the countries a lot.

  18. TeodorDim on

    Comment section will be gold. My 2 cents are that is extremely bad idea to push controversial policies while you need unity which is in all time low. Also NATO already takes care of defense with additional proven allies. True joint procurement programs would be nice though.

  19. Garlicluvr on

    And legalize marijuana while we are mentioning the term “joint”.

  20. Distinct_Risk_762 on

    It may not. And there are so many reasons why not.

  21. It’s absurdly complicated. We almost certainly won’t ever see an European army in our lifetime. The differences in scope, doctrine, needs and ideology between members are immense. We can’t agree on a rifle or a fighter jet, and we’re supposed to agree on an entire army?
    It’s just not realistic.

  22. No, that time was like 10 years ago but now it would be better that later.

  23. teabekontroll on

    There is still one conceptual problem with any attempt to create a joint military: what resources?

    If the current militaries are merged together, then countries will lose control over their militaries which is of course a huge problem in peripheral countries, especially those bordering Russia.

    If it’s done additionally to the current militaries, then first, it would require increasing defense spending and second, it would still reduce the pool of men for the national militaries.

    I guess some kind of joint capabilities could be beneficial for all, but definitely not for regular infantry etc.

  24. Due_Bake7326 on

    A common army means a common nuclear deterrence capability, and we should therefore have a common nuclear strategy and produce more nuclear weapons to keep up with our enemies from the East.

  25. Special_marshmallow on

    Rapid EU force 5,000 mem. Israeli mobilization on the third day of the war 950,000. This is laughable

  26. KernunQc7 on

    No thanks, joint military means joint command. NATO for good and bad, already has us covered.

    Besides only the UK and US would help us ( you can look up the pew research yourselves ) in case you know who decided to come and visit. As Trump would say: what’s in it for us?

  27. pixiemaster on

    Especially with all governments going nationalistic, we should move the most important assets like national security, energy politics and social security over into the EU, more out of reach.

  28. foolsjam on

    Any kind of army without a political union it’s just a waste of taxpayer money.

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