Il governo svedese considera il divieto nazionale di accattonaggio

di Apprehensive_Sleep_4


  1. Agitated-Cow4 on

    Seems like that will completely solve the problem. 

  2. Gaffeltruckeren on

    nice. So start begging in sweden and get housed and fed. Ez

  3. A good start would be to ban foreign nationals from begging.

    People travel across Europe to Sweden and Norway to go begging, this organised and big business. This also brings other problems like drugs, human trafficking and theft.

  4. Fine_Mushroom_9488 on

    Maybe just ban poor people or something? Are they stupid?

  5. InvertReverse on

    Before people overreact: It’s already illegal in Denmark.

  6. The thing these goverments firget is that people have to live *and they have a right to do so*. Society has been excluding more and more people who don’t conform to artificial requirements implemented to spin cash out of nothing. This has complicated employment but hadn’t improved anything at all along the way.

    Now granted, there are beggars and always have been. Outlawing them is like outlawing homelessness or hunger. It’s absurd in the most absurd and sociopathic way.

    How about these government leaders create societal structures to help people out of these conditions.

  7. Ice_slider on

    Beggars can’t be choosers. Quess it’s time for them to rob people and stores

  8. Round_Parking601 on

    Sweden…I beg you, don’t do this, no, please (apologies for horrendous joke)

  9. DecoupledPilot on

    If it weren’t for my experiences on organized begging at large city main stations I would probably find this bad.

    But having that experience makes me understand that law well.

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