Il massimo funzionario pubblico britannico Simon Case annuncia le dimissioni

di OpticalData


  1. OpticalData on

    >Whilst the spirit remains willing, the body is not.

    – Zapp Branigan?

    I feel no obligation to give Case the benefit of the doubt here, so I’ll just point out how interesting it is that he’s decided to step down only a week or so after he was asked to investigate who was briefing the press with the Sue Grey stories (probably him).

  2. NiceVacation3880 on

    Will Simon Case do the right thing and leak the 20 email invites that attended the Downing Street lockdown party?

  3. TarrouTheSaint on

    He probably could have continued working the job for a while longer, but decided it was better to resign for the sake of his brother Justin.

  4. TheClemDispenser on

    Buy some flowers for Simon fucking Case. Yeah, have them delivered to his home this evening with a card that says “sorry you had to go, but let’s face it, you are a fucking waste of skin… waste of skin, yeah.”

  5. Dirty_Techie on

    “but my decision is solely to do with my health and nothing to do with anything else.”

    Of course, nothing else to see here folks..

  6. Diligent-Till-8832 on

    Couldn’t haven’t happened to a more deserving bloke. He was woeful and only got the job due to cronyism.

  7. LetterheadOdd5700 on

    Unbelievable that he lasted so long. Someone really took their eye off the ball or was too kind with this Vote Leave staffer.

  8. Lettuce-Pray2023 on

    A man promoted way beyond his ability and played like a fiddle by Boris and co.

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