Volo charter nel Regno Unito per i cittadini britannici che lasciano il Libano


di ForensicShoe


  1. No-Wind6836 on

    Why didn’t they do this yesterday?

    People have been talking about imminent invasion for 3 days now.

  2. r3xomega on

    It is worth noting that for anyone north of the city of Beirut, in order to get to the airport they have to move through an area that is being bombed daily, in fact only 40 minutes ago. Many, while eager to leave, are afraid to travel to the airport while bombs are still dropping.

  3. Pager incident was a few weeks ago and Israeli airstrikes began on 23 Sep 2024.

    Chartered a flight a week later?

    That is shocking! I am a British born British national and if I had to wait a week for a chartered flight in a bomb ridden country, I would say I would have been very hard done by!

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