Estremisti di estrema destra condannati per disordini al Pride di Zurigo

di BezugssystemCH1903

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  1. BezugssystemCH1903 on


    >__The Zurich public prosecutor’s office has issued summary fines to several members of the far-right Junge Tat movement for disrupting a church service during the Pride Festival, a children’s reading session by drag queens in 2022, and other incidents.__

    >The criminal investigations were directed against six members of the far-right Junge Tat movement, as announced by the Zurich cantonal public prosecutor’s office on Monday. According to the statement, they have now been proven to have committed numerous offences in various combinations between February 2022 and April 2024.

    >The members of the Junge Tat movement were found guilty of racial discrimination, disturbing freedom of religion and worship, breach of the peace, and offences against the Explosives Act, among other charges. The defendants were fined amounts equivalent to 100 to 180 days’ worth of their income, along with additional fines. The penalty orders are not yet legally binding.

    >In June 2022, masked individuals attempted to disrupt the Catholic service at the Pride Festival in the Church of St Peter and Paul in Zurich by trying to carry a white wooden cross on a concrete base into the church. In October 2022, there was also a disruption at a children’s reading session by drag queens in Zurich’s Tanzhaus.

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