Questa roccia di 604 metri in Norvegia è assolutamente terrificante

di ControlCAD


  1. Lexi_Bean21 on

    Its actually called “preikestolen” not pulpit. Nobody in norway calls in pulpit rock.

  2. garmann83 on

    The only terrofying thing about that place is all the people going there 😂

  3. julaften on

    I (and many others) have sat on the edge of it with our feet outside. Not so terrifying, actually, as long as you do it controlled and sit still.

    On the other hand, I’ve seen two guys standing close to the edge, *with their backs towards the abyss*, **bending slightly and looking upwards towards a cam on a selfie stick**. Now that’s quite terrifying to watch.

  4. KyniskPotet on

    Missed opportunity to capture someone dangling their feet across the edge.

  5. RidetheSchlange on

    It’s not terrifying at all. Even grandmas are there and no one is freaking out.

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