L’ex presidente dell’UL viene pagato 175.000 euro ma non ha un corso da insegnare, ha appreso il comitato del Dáil


di Willing-Departure115


  1. Willing-Departure115 on

    Bike shed personified.

    Step one: Screw up Dail appearances on financial mismanagement so badly you need to go on sick leave.

    Step two: Resign. By which we mean, take up a €175k post we invent for you.

    Step three: Look for something to do while you wait for your defined benefit pension.

  2. Imbecile_Jr on

    The amount of taxpayer money being pissed down the drain in Ireland is just off the charts. We need a full review/reform on how we approach governance and accountability in this country because this is just insane.

  3. Apprehensive_Ratio80 on

    Don’t forget they are also investigating the €11million purchase of 20 houses by UL, estimated to be worth a total of €3 million recently as well.

    UL in serious 💩💩💩 lately

  4. ImpovingTaylorist on

    You get this a lot in accademia.

    Very smart people who think they have exceptional talents because they are extremely good in one very narrow subject. They do not take advice or criticism well at all, and when they get elevated to a position of power they have no skills to actually do the job. Their people skills are so bad they often have no team around them because they spent their lives thinking they were above it all.

    The pressure comes on, and they can’t handle it.

  5. ApprehensiveShame363 on

    There’s quite a few academics that do little to no teaching of undergrads, but do a lot of research and mentoring of PhD students.

  6. EFbVSwN5ksT6qj on

    University of Limerick and University Hospital Limerick are absolute basket cases. In fact, the entire city is a basket case.

  7. Academic_Noise_5724 on

    I used to work in the higher ed sector. The amount of mismanagement in UL is next level

  8. EFbVSwN5ksT6qj on

    This is what they do to move useless executives aside after a scandal. The whole ‘re-entering academia’ thing is a charade to buy her compliance whilst they replace her with a new President. Otherwise, they would need to go through a HR discplinary process to remove her as President, which would take years, they wouldn’t be able to appoint a permanent replacement in the meantime, and she would still remain on full-pay throughout that disciplinary process.

    I really hope the Garda investigation can unearth why UL decided to pay so much for a group of houses.

    Remember UL has always been hugely funded by philanthropic donations and it seems a really inefficient administrative structure was allowed to develop.

  9. hasseldub on

    How is this a surprise?

    Every time there’s anything about workload in the Public Service, half the PS people on here are complaining they’re buried in work and depressed and the other half admit to doing fuck all.

    It’s a joke. Billions wasted with this shite.

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