3333 units special equipment is a nice round number, hope it doubles soon and the orcs completely run out of it!
JuryBorn on
59 arty, 8 mlrs, and 1 anti aircraft. They are good numbers. I wonder how much artillery is left.
Lopsided-Insurance26 on
657940 people who could have had peace but instead chose death or life altering changes.
MimicoSkunkFan2 on
The tank numbers have struggled to get above 20 except for one day in the whole last month so I’m going to call it – the orcs ran out. They may have another rally day 20+ for a special push but practically nope.
[Daily stats](https://old.reddit.com/r/RussianLosses/comments/1fvr17c/estimated_russian_losses_from_24022022_to/)
8 MLRs?!? Insane.
3333 units special equipment is a nice round number, hope it doubles soon and the orcs completely run out of it!
59 arty, 8 mlrs, and 1 anti aircraft. They are good numbers. I wonder how much artillery is left.
657940 people who could have had peace but instead chose death or life altering changes.
The tank numbers have struggled to get above 20 except for one day in the whole last month so I’m going to call it – the orcs ran out. They may have another rally day 20+ for a special push but practically nope.
Holy heck a good day for the Ukrainians.