Percorso cittadinanza finlandese 5 anni per la maggior parte, nonostante la modifica della legge | Yle Notizie

di lovelldies


  1. lovelldies on

    It’s pretty clear now:

    “Despite recent rhetoric about increasing residency requirements to eight years, most residents can apply for Finnish citizenship after completing five years in Finland.”

    Not sure why the government keeps pushing the 8 year rhetoric.

  2. LightyLittleDust on

    Just applied for citizenship a month and a half ago after living in Finland for 15 years.

    I suppose it’s time. :>

  3. darknecessities_7843 on

    They also removed the difference between continuous residence and accumulated residence. If there were interruptions longer than 1 year your continuous residence would be interrupted, and you would have to live in Finland for 7 years in total, last 2 years continuously. You also couldn’t count the time you spent in Finland with a B permit towards residency. Now the rule is it is 5 years, interruptions longer than 1 year is allowed but not counted towards residency, and time spent with B permit can be counted (/2) towards residency.

    Source: just realised I am now eligible with citizenship with these new changes.

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