Gli agenti di polizia sono stati licenziati per aver fermato un atleta e perquisito e hanno restituito il lavoro dopo aver vinto l’appello

di sjw_7


  1. Adm_Shelby2 on

    >lied by saying they could smell cannabis

    The reason they use is precisely because you can’t disprove it.  “I can smell cannabis” is a magic spell that grants them the power to do anything.

  2. TorrentOfLight07 on

    Called it ….. the “due process” of the disciplinary panel was borked and that was plain to read even on the published documents.

  3. If the police officers didn’t lie, and they were able to smell cannabis during the stop – why weren’t they able to find it?

    The sentence for possession is up to 5 years in prison or an unlimited fine – why did they let them off without any charge?

  4. ScaredActuator8674 on

    Good. Those athletes should be ashamed of themselves, abusing their positions as celebrities to get innocent police officers sacked because they were upset about being pulled over.

  5. MintCathexis on

    Good. Both keeping stop and search and then using police as scapegoats when a celebrity gets stopped and searched for virtue signalling isn’t helpful. Everyone should be treated equally, if ypu don’t want negative press from stopping and searching high profile persons then scrap it for everyone (which I’m in favour of), don’t suspend random people who were doing their job.

  6. Moby_Hick on

    The Misconduct Hearing went after them most strongly on the “I could smell cannabis claims”, which was prime bullshit as it was the one part of the incident that they couldn’t prove – as how the fuck do you prove a smell happened on BWV – and it was an easy in for a panel baying for blood to appease the public.

    Good thing they’ve got their jobs back.

  7. sabreapco on

    So the notion that the police can search a car by chanting some magic words has been upheld.

  8. llllllIlllIlllll on

    Anyone who isn’t blinded by racial tensions and appeasing upset celebrities knew that this was always going to happen.

    While I’m glad that they have been reinstated, did an incident that was fully captured on BWV with several witnesses really need three years to come to a conclusion?

  9. allgfssngljd on

    Shouldn’t they do a drug test then? If I’m pulled over stinking of booze you can bet I’ll be breathalysed.

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