La NATO non abbatterà missili e droni russi sull’Ucraina perché “ci sta coinvolgendo nella guerra in modo diverso” – Pentagono

di vegarig


  1. Threatening-Silence- on

    Hilarious cowardice. Or tragic. Take your pick.

  2. Truuuuuumpet on

    Just leave the equipment. I bet the Ukrainians could some

  3. CanQkush on

    The US only fight directly countries with small or weak armies that they can easily defeat … They’re cowards ngl

  4. Pay_Cool on

    Guess we’ll just wait for another kids hospital to be hit then. Pathetic

  5. BornDetective853 on

    For the non-mil experts, what does this actually mean, and how would it change?

  6. Zestyclose_Way_2276 on

    Nato is involved already, just need to be involved more, until muscovian swamp burns.

  7. Soundwave_13 on

    So just to rehash here. We won’t down Missiles or Drones sent by Russia that is purposely targeting civilians and infrastructure thus saving people and on top of that we won’t let Ukraine properly defend themselves with long strikes into Russia demolishing the origins of these sent weapons?

    Boy why are we continuing to penalize Ukraine here? Someone better have a better excuse than Russia has Nukes [which they will not use for reasons listed on previous threads]

  8. aging_geek on

    and putin high fives his staff on knowing the weak stance of the usa and nato against his repeated bluffs.

  9. Groundbreaking_War52 on

    Telling your adversary exactly what you’re going to do and where you’re going to do it really isn’t a very sound long-term strategy.

    NATO isn’t going to operate inside Ukrainian airspace but they have early warning aircraft and satellites relaying everything to the Ukrainian military as seamlessly as possible.

    The extent to which the US helped the mujahedeen in the 80s or the Soviets helped the North Vietnamese in the 60s-70s wasn’t fully known until years afterwards.

    Western military and intelligence agencies aren’t perfect but they aren’t lazy, cowardly, or any of the other insults being thrown around.

  10. boohoo3210 on

    We in Europe need to do more for Ukraine fuck the chicken shit American government

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