48 ore con i medici di prima linea dell’Ucraina. La nostra squadra ha trascorso 48 ore in prima linea vicino a Kurakhove, dove la Russia sta colpendo le forze ucraine giorno e notte con artiglieria, bombe plananti e attacchi di droni. Vi raccontiamo la storia del corpo medico del battaglione DaVinci Wolves

di RoninSolutions

1 Comment

  1. His-Mightiness on

    The things that Ukrainian medics have to go through and see is beyond what I even want to imagine much less could. They see death every day and they have to keep going through that. The movies and TV shows can’t even begin to come close to what combat medics must see, and to auctualy have to go through it, it never leaves you.

    Ukrainian combat medics are heroes not just to Ukraine but to the free world and to me. They keep the fire burning in themselves and also in others by trying to keep them alive. They are stronger than diamonds.

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