Kyle Hayes presenta ricorso contro la condanna per guida pericolosa a Cork

di PoppedCork


  1. DesignerWest1136 on

    Is his suspended sentence being activated? (If his appeal fails of course).

    Absolute joke if it doesn’t and really just shows that the GAA community are above the law in this country.

  2. Bill_Badbody on

    Hopefully he finds that the legal appeal system doesn’t work like the GAA appeal system.

    Has a ban ever been upheld on appeal to the CCC in the gaa ?

  3. ImpovingTaylorist on

    His appeal filing – “But I am a GAA star, and that wasn’t probably taken into account” – probably

  4. AnyDamnThingWillDo on

    The cronyism between the gaa and civil service at all levels is no real secret.

    Laws for me and laws for for you are not the same.

  5. shorelined on

    Is he appeal simply going to be “no, I wasn’t travelling at 155km/h?”

  6. bucketybuck on

    They need to stop kicking him in the head when he is down.

  7. Ambitious_Bill_7991 on

    No doubt the activation of the suspended sentence will be put back until the outcome of the appeal is heard.

    Then he’ll be let off scot free.

  8. Ok-Republic-8528 on

    Honestly the only way most Irish people’s opinion of Kyle Hayes could get any lower is if he tells the court that the only reason he was speeding is that he was running late for a P Diddy party

  9. dropthecoin on

    These threads always bring out the bitter people with a chip on their shoulder against the entire GAA.

  10. TomatoJuice303 on

    He has to get this quashed so that the suspended sentence can’t be activated.

    Hope he loses.

  11. Decent-Writing-9840 on

    The scumbag belongs behind bars for like 5 years or longer.

  12. Impressive_Essay_622 on

    Jesus lads…. I genuinely didn’t know growing up, that if I had just got into gaa… Everything be so much easier.

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