L’ONU esprime preoccupazione per i carri armati dell’IDF posizionati vicino alla postazione irlandese


di one_choice


  1. daffeyclaffey on

    Was just about to post this and ask if Iran/Hezbollah/who ever they’re going to blame, attack the Israeli military, something happens where a bomb/bullet/missile hits near the Irish forces and kills or injures someone, what’s going to happen from there?

  2. here2dare on

    They are purposefully and actively putting the lives of peackeepers at risk. And the world will say nothing about it

    There was some stupid cunt on the radio earlier criticising our President for having the cheek to say the IDF were threatening Irish soldiers.



    It was that smug looking smarmy bitch that was on the radio earlier haha. Seems to be a hobby horse of hers

  3. qwerty_1965 on

    Basically it’s digging in beside the petting farm or nursery. IDF are banking on Hezbollah being careful near the UN while they fire at will in the opposite direction.

  4. WhileCultchie on

    As with everything Israel does, turns out “Human Shields” falls under the banner of every accusation is a confession.

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