PBP-Solidarity esclude la coalizione con FF e FG


di Bill_Badbody


  1. mrlinkwii on

    i mean did anyone expect them to go into coalition with a party that they hate

  2. tonyjdublin62 on

    In other news, cats have ruled out mating with dogs 😜

  3. TheCunningFool on

    They’ve zero interest in governing and needing to make actual decisions on finite resources.

  4. I have regretfully made the decision not to have a relationship with Scarlett Johansson.

  5. ImpressiveTicket492 on

    Predictions of political pundits all over Ireland are in tatters now. How have the markets reacted?

  6. External-Chemical-71 on

    As if any sane party would even consider letting those absolute freakshows near government. 😂

  7. bdog1011 on

    He’d change his mind if someone putin a good word with him.

  8. slamjam25 on

    Being in government would take too much time away from RBB’s true passion, objecting to every single housing development in his electorate.

  9. no13wirefan on

    Spoofers, Mirphy and co are full of hot air. If you dug up Lenin and Marx they’d find an excuse not to want to go into government with him …

  10. senditup on

    It’s a worrying indictment on the electorate that PBP loonies manage to get even one seat.

  11. qwerty_1965 on

    PBP/Solidarity are not interested in exercising power, only having a platform to perform on.

  12. JONFER--- on

    So they have ruled out a coalition with either FF or FG, they have thoroughly trashed Sinn Fein’s policies also….. So who’s left exactly??

    They never actually want to go into government, they just want to collect their hefty Dail salaries and pensions. They never want to be in a position where they might actually have to do deliver on their promises and proclamations and make excuses as to why that isn’t possible.

    They just want to make their soundbites in peace, do interviews and never get challenged on any of it.

  13. Jean_Rasczak on

    I’m shocked


    PBP won’t go into government, they might have to work then


    Cracks me up everytime when I see these guys pursuing anti-taxation policies that would make tea-partying Trumpers blush

  15. IntentionFalse8822 on

    If you look at the far left in Ireland the one thing that quickly becomes apparent is how they utterly despise each other. At some point they have all thrown their toys out of the pram and stormed off to form their own Trotskyist party. Could you imagine being government chief whip and trying to keep them in line. Within weeks you’d be found rocking back and forth on the floor of your office gently caressing an icepick.

  16. How is this news? Nobody has ever thought they would enter a coalition with FFG. And why should they, with their goals and aims being diametrically opposed?

  17. TheStoicNihilist on

    Imagine what they could achieve if they put on their big boy pants and entered a coalition government. Look at how many boxes the Green’s have ticked off their agenda.

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