Un gruppo di partiti di destra che si autodefiniscono “Alleanza Nazionale” sta utilizzando immagini generate dall’intelligenza artificiale per falsificare nuovi candidati.


di TinyProgram


  1. Declan1996Moloney on

    That’s Creepy as there’s a Far Right group in the Southern United States called The National Alliance

  2. AzureCountry on

    Curious about the motivation for this. Do they plan to never show the actual candidate in person?

  3. blipblopthrowawayz on

    Only a matter of time before they started this with AI, other parties like Irish Freedom Party (then known as Irexit party) and National Party at different points had fake candidates in their websites which were stock photo models.

    There was one where they used a stock photo of a woman and [used her in a local Killarney newspaper](https://www.thetimes.com/world/ireland-world/article/puzzle-of-fake-candidate-standing-for-irexit-party-jggt6n7rl).

    It’s going to get so much worse. The average person who falls for this stuff isn’t going to care when they see these photos as AI. “I know it’s fake but still……….what they’re saying isn’t wrong though!”

  4. Viserys4 on

    I don’t see how faking a new candidate can serve any agenda. If he doesn’t exist he can’t vote. And surely you need proof of identity to even register as a candidate? If not, that seems like a glaring omission in the rules.

    Most likely he exists but has used AI to gussy himself up for the official headshot.

    Update: [He stood for the previous election too](https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/elections-2024/local-election/local-elections-2024-who-are-the-candidates-running-for-wexford-county-council-everything-you-need-to-know-before-voting/a447757482.html)

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