Curioso cosa pensa / sente la gente a riguardo dato che è ovviamente una religione molto controversa.

Per gli ignari, i templi mormoni sono generalmente edifici grandi, eleganti (leggi: vistosi) in cui solo i mormoni “degni” sono ammessi, dove celebrano battesimi indiretti per i morti, suggellano le coppie sposate e tengono la grande cerimonia di investitura in cui i membri possono ricevere loro biancheria intima magica indumenti.

Ci sono circa 4.000 membri in Irlanda (secondo i dati della chiesa mormone) ma ci sono solo circa 1.000 membri attivi in ​​totale. Forse ci sono alcuni attuali/ex mormoni qui disposti a condividere le loro opinioni?

Modifica: ecco il link all’annuncio:

I templi sono un affare ENORME nel mormonismo tra l’altro. Questi non sono il normale edificio della chiesa/casa di riunione.

Mormon temple announced for Ireland
byu/nyelverzek inireland

di nyelverzek


  1. EFbVSwN5ksT6qj on

    People can believe in whatever they want. It doesn’t affect me so I won’t be paying it any attention. (I mean this genuinely, I’m not trying to sound snarky)

  2. If we can’t get planning permissions for apartments then I doubt this thing will get built. NIMBY’s out in force 😉

  3. TomRuse1997 on

    It won’t affect me at all, so I really don’t care.

    The church we have did far fucking worse

  4. I find Mormon history and doctrine really interesting. Very impressive people in a lot of ways.

  5. RandomUsername600 on

    Not really comfortable with religions that venerate known paedophiles.

    Yeah lots of religions have had abuse scandals. But if your religion was founded by a paedophile and you accept that, that’s bad.

  6. TheStoicNihilist on

    It’s not a religion, it’s a social club for losers.


  7. DiscombobulatedItem3 on

    They gonna have a shop to sell their magic underwear?

  8. cyberwicklow on

    Can we just keep religion out of Ireland in general, we’re only really a few decades out from under the Catholic church, there’s still the Catholic Protestant divide in the north, and those poxy cult lords the Scientologists are running rampant in tallaght, do we really need more fucking tax dodging religions setting up shop? Not just the Mormons, any of these fucking religions, keep it in your house.

  9. Quiet-Geologist-6645 on

    Let them build what they want. They have every right to practice their religion like everyone else on the island

  10. itsgrandmaybe on

    It’s actually a very well run organisation. They are super family centric. Sunday service used to be 3 hours long, it changed around pandemic time, now I think it’s like only 1 hour.

    They have lots of meetings for families. They have socials for young adults. And instead of encouraging people to spend their twenties sleeping around with different partners, they encourage people to marry young and grow together. They have lots of family dinners. Group sports, etc. They also prohibit alcohol. These reasons are exactly why I’m NOT part of them. I’m a massive degenerate and I own it. I drink, I tinder, a little bit of blow here and there, I’m plastered with tattoos, and I’m in a poly relationship with two lesbians. Not my cup of tea.

  11. OvertiredMillenial on

    People are free to believe in whatever shit they like. The only reason Mormonism is controversial is because it’s relatively new.

    If Zombie Jesus and Mohamed and his magical flying horse happened a couple hundred years ago, instead of over 2,000 in the case of Jesus and 1,300 in the case of Mohamed, mainstream Christianity and Islam would not be afforded the same respect they enjoy today.

    For whatever reason, time makes bullshit seem more legitimate.

  12. ZippyKoala on

    Good luck getting planning permission for that one. Any religious building tends to be contentious because of traffic and noise.

    Of course, if we take the ‘Dublin’ part of it as equaling ‘somewhere in the Republic of Ireland because we’re clueless’ then yeah, maybe they will find a field somewhere in the BMW that they can make their own…..

  13. stingy_liger on

    Fact, prior to 11/9/2001, the worst terrorist attack on American soil was perpetrated by Mormons, they slaughtered a group of around 140 emigrants, men, women and children. Coincidentally this also happened on 11 September, but in the year 1957.

    Their early prophets married multiple women at the same time, often underage, in some cases while they were married to other men.

    Up until recently, Mormons would take blood oaths in these temples, mainly to pray for vengeance for their murdered prophets. Their first prophet was murdered by a mob when jailed for burning down the printing press that was publishing stories on his crimes. They moved west into what is now Utah and were briefly at war with the United States.

    Their founder basically wrote a book on which their religion is found on, his father also wrote a book prior to that and attempted to found a religion, most the stories were copied over from there. “Coincidentally” his grandfather also wrote a book and started a religion, he claimed to have had 7 visions in which he spoke to angels and/or god. This same claim was made by the founder of Mormonism. Fun fact, he was convicted many times for fraud, theft and racketeering. His father for the same, including forging currency.

    Their extended family travelled from city to city to escape local mobs and law enforcers. Both father and son made multiple escapes from jail, something the mob that eventually killed him was wary of.

    Bonus fact, he tried to run for president of the United States and for a brief period he would have been in command of the entire American army if the Mexican war had broken out sooner. This was because after being chased out of Missouri with an extermination order against them, they formed the nauvoo legion, an army that rivaled the national army at that time. In an attempt to create loyal ties between both forces and to gain the Mormon vote for election, the government in Washington provided their prophet with one of their highest military ranks.

    Ties to Ireland, through DNA testing, it was established that they came from Ireland as early as the 17th century.

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