I terroristi russi condividono i loro crimini di guerra con gli spettatori “russi comuni” e li celebrano. Questa volta uccidendo civili a Kherson che andavano a fare la spesa, seguendoli, dando loro la caccia. Questo accade tutti i giorni.


di Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. TreeLooksFamiliar22 on

    When Ukraine wins, the logic of the Russian state will cease to register for so many in that awful country.

  2. Evakotius on

    In their “constitution” Kherson in their city and on all their shows they yell that these are their people btw.

  3. All of those drone operators must be executed with a death penalty. They deserve nothing less.

  4. Certain-Age6666 on

    As I said before make Kremlin a forest. There’s no more hope for this shitty people.
    I really start to hate these orcs…

  5. Bumpy-road on

    These are your friends Orban, these are your comrades Fico.

    You should always know a man by the company he keeps.

  6. copycat73 on

    I would say close airspace by nato because of humanitarian reasons. This is sick.

  7. Denny_204 on

    I say bomb one Russian mall or hospital, see what happens. Playing fair against cheaters doesn’t work. Sometimes you gotta get dirty and sink to their level.

    Make them feel the war.

  8. Educational-Tone2074 on

    Since they have low skill with killing soldiers, they kill innocent civilians. 

  9. ReasonOk8434 on

    Is the only real deterrent to a nuclear first strike the fear of blowback from submarines offshore? I mean if the missile shoot-down technology is as good as it seems then wouldn’t all the missiles launched from land be shot down?

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