L’impegno del Regno Unito per la cattura del carbonio da 22 miliardi di sterline fa seguito all’ondata di lobbying da parte dell’industria dei combustibili fossili, come mostrano i registri


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  1. EwokSuperPig___ on

    First piece of news in a while to really piss me off. What’s the point in having any transparency legislation about who attends people if there is nothing we can do to hold anyone accountable. Why is it legal for fossil fuel companies to decide our legislation.

    I know climate change is very popular on this sub and people don’t really take it seriously but this will decide not only the future of this country and planet but also the current state. Changing to green energy will bring so much money and jobs to the UK but these carbon capture schemes won’t

  2. Queb9000 on

    We should be switching to nuclear power. 100% of the time.
    It’s cleaner more efficient, and it’s the only waste that cleans itself up over time.
    Coal mining and fossil fuels need to be retired forever.

  3. shizola_owns on

    Instead of spending £22B on tech that doesn’t work, you could probably insulate a couple of million homes. Of course that would actually hurt energy company profits, and it’s clear who Labour work for.

  4. ferrel_hadley on

    >To deliver our clean power mission, Labour will work with the private sector to double onshore wind, triple solar power, and quadruple offshore wind by 2030. **We will invest in carbon capture and storage,** hydrogen and marine energy, and ensure we have the long-term energy storage our country needs. A new Energy Independence Act will establish the framework for Labour’s energy and climate policies.

    So party plans to implement its manifesto commitment.

    The Guardian tries to turn it into a conspiracy theory.

    >The new Labour government announced plans last week to extend £22bn in subsidies for carbon capture over 25 years,

    £1 billion a year.

    >The Labour government is aiming to produce 60GW of energy through offshore wind farms by 2030.

    >The offshore wind farm projects announced on Tuesday provide capacity of 4.9GW.


    Unbanning onshore wind and aiming to majorly increase off shore wind. But wind has periods it does not blow so you need other sources. Nuclear is great but you also need an elestic dispatch able capacity. That either means batteries and huge ones that can sit for a year not generating revenue till you get a week long period where they have to fire the whole non nuclear grid for the week or gas with CCS.

    The Guardian just barfs out some conspiracy noise by a hack (by line does not link to a profile, so I have no idea if its actually an energy journalist or an intern who’s mummy got them a “work experience” job) that does not try to contextualise the complexities of deep decarbonisation we will need int he late 2030s and 2040s.

  5. _Monsterguy_ on

    Carbon capture is about as reliable as plastic recycling.

  6. When Starmer announced his first cabinet there was a lot of liberal backpatting about how *the experts were back in the room*, about how we were finally getting a *technocratic* government after years of Tory incompetency.

    Yet it’s become increasingly clear that in practice we just have business as usual: the government will only listen to the highest bidder, and anyone who isn’t throwing donations at them will be ignored.

  7. YoYo5465 on

    Is anyone surprised? Milliband is heading up this department. Absolute greaseball.

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