Il medico legale nazionale esamina la documentazione di quattro decessi dovuti al vaccino contro il Covid-19 – RÚ
Tempera: OSE ha perso i video che avrebbe dovuto salvare [ Απλά τα διέγραψε μετά το πέρας των 15 ημερών ενώ είχε υποχρέωση να γνωστοποιήσει ότι μπορούν να διατηρηθούν για 3 μήνες ]
Migliaia di foche fanno dell’estuario del Tamigi la loro casa di F0urLeafCl0ver
Greenawayer on 08/10/2024 07:53 They can f-off back to where they come from. Do they think the UK is a soft touch and they can just turn up on our beaches…?
Edd90k on 08/10/2024 08:21 we have no space for this! They’re coming here, putting their feet up, getting a hotel and living for free. Ridiculous.
JarJarBingChilling on 08/10/2024 09:42 who do these seals fink they are coming to engerland and taking up are space. fuming x
They can f-off back to where they come from.
Do they think the UK is a soft touch and they can just turn up on our beaches…?
we have no space for this! They’re coming here, putting their feet up, getting a hotel and living for free. Ridiculous.
Great source of protein and Omega 3. Where’s my harpoon gun
who do these seals fink they are coming to engerland and taking up are space. fuming x