Vengo dal Bangladesh e la mia amica ha pubblicato questo sulla sua storia su Instagram. A quanto pare, da quello che ho sentito, sono stati rilasciati alcuni prigionieri noti per omicidio e stupro. E non ho visto alcuna copertura mediatica a riguardo. Qualcuno può dirmi in cosa consistono queste proteste?
di JustBeingEsco
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Maalesef ülkenin çivisi çıktı.Eskiden toplumda bu tarz olaylar derin yankı uyandırırken toplum tepki verirken ( Özgecan Aslanı öldüren katilin öldürülmesi,ölüsüne mezar dahi bulunamaması) günümüzde ne yazık ki ülke insanı duyarsızlaştı kaç kişi Narini hatırlıyor kaç kişi ya da şeydayı hatırlıyor ya da hatırlayacak en basitinden Emine bulut u kimler hatırlıyor.İşin en kötü tarafı bunlar artık ayıpsanmıyor yok eğitim sistemi bu hale getirmiş yok ,yok ikbal kendi rızası ile sura çıkmış yaw 2 insan öldü hiç mi vicdan kalmamış bu insanlarda.Katili öven inceleri saymıyorum bile eğer bu durumları unutursak duyarsızlaşırsak bu olayların ardı arkası kesilmez
A series of attemps to sexual assault against women and femicides unleashed upon the reopening of the case of an infamous femicider formerly speculated to have faked suicide, been let out of prison and running large increased questions regarding the security of, at least, the half of the nation.
I’m sorry, brother, I didn’t know you were bangladesh I am not read Your explanation
Unutmayın adalet yoksa huzur da yok… Adaletsizlik yapılırken insanlara zulmedilirken susan toplum bu olanları ve fazlasını yaşamaya mahkûmdur. Keşke olmasa hiç yaşanmasa. Masumlar zarar görmese ama toplumun yaptıklarının doğurduğu sonuç bu…
We fucked up but this time we fucked up even more somehow
A 19-year-old psychopath killed two girls he knew. Footage of him dismembering the girl’s body(second girl) at the historical city walls and throwing her head onto the road below appeared on the news. Then came the footage of him slitting the throat and tongue of the first girl he killed. It caused anger in people all over the country. Something about how the boy had disturbed the girl he mauled in the past. It turned out that this was not done, and there was a reaction all over the country against justice for not protecting women and girls and not arresting criminals and people with high criminal potential.
There is a law in Turkey that invalidates criminal laws and reduces sentences. That’s why even people with 20-30 criminal records are easily released. In recent years, the murders committed by these types of criminals have become more visible and people are reacting to this. People are rebelling against the government, saying, “Do you have to wait until a criminal kills someone before you punish them?”
Erdoğan had previously pardoned all criminals as an election promise. Hundreds of thousands of criminals were released back into society without completing their sentences. Then they released the criminals again under the excuse of corona. Now, they are working on a new law that will release the criminals, just like they did with corona. In short, the state no longer provides for the safety of people’s lives in Turkey.