Oggi è uscito il mio primo singolo rock: l’LP avrà come tema la storia del nostro Paese. Mi piacerebbe conoscere le vostre opinioni, il vostro feedback è molto importante 🙏
La Germania produrrà 21 carri armati per lo sminamento per l’Ucraina https://mil.in.ua/en/news/germany-to-produce-21-mine-clearing-tanks-for-ukraine/ di Mil_in_ua
Easy_Apple_4817 on 08/10/2024 10:33 Thank you to the German government. These are very important pieces of equipment for when the time comes to push the Orcs back to their shitty country.
let me guess, they’re not allowed to use them on russian mines…
Thank you to the German government. These are very important pieces of equipment for when the time comes to push the Orcs back to their shitty country.