Questa canzone è interamente dedicata agli elogi dei partigiani? Menziona qualcosa sull’elogio del Partito Comunista o qualcosa del genere? Gradirei idealmente una traduzione completa se qualcuno lo volesse; per i miei scopi voglio solo sapere se ha qualche elogio del comunismo. Se sì, dove?

di Derpballz


  1. Gave it a quick listen, and there seems to be no praises to the commie party. No praises of communism either, just praises of the partisans and the “spreading of freedom.” It mentions the red stars on their caps, and thats just about it.

    Too lazy to translate, tho. In this case, google images or google photos could be of use.

  2. PavkataBrat on

    >Why do I think about you this night

    >about your undying fight?

    >Why do I see you from afar

    >in the cold shades never bright?

    >Why do I go down, reaching for my breath

    >beside your squad along the hill

    >and all I want, and all I want

    >is to be with you, to be with you

    (Chorus) x2

    >Partisans, partisans

    >legendary sons

    >of fields, of mountains,

    >of villages and towns

    >Partisans, partisans

    >with your foreheads wreathed in stars

    >upon the blood you spilled

    >our freedom has been born

    >In my little song shine forth

    >as if you are enormous flags!

    >And live in this – my day of joy

    >with your brightly shining names.

    >And let me walk along your column

    >down the hill of time.

    >And let my voice, and let my voice

    >be with you, be with you.


    It’s 3 am here, best I could do, but you’ll probably get the gyst.

    Edit: reddit’s mobile app absolutely refuses to separate the lines, the paragraphs are 4 lines long as normal but the chorus is 2 paragraphs long

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