Stanno arrivando notizie secondo cui l’Ucraina ha bombardato il 67° deposito di munizioni russo GRAU vicino a Karachev nella regione di Bryansk. Si estende su 3,5 chilometri quadrati e immagazzina molte munizioni

di Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Exotic-Strawberry667 on

    Reports are coming in that Ukraine bombed the Russian 67th GRAU ammunition depot near Karachev in the Bryansk region. It spans 3.5 square kilometers and stores a lot of munitions


    Russian source state media TASS, report a Ukrainian UAV in the Bryansk region, which was allegedly shot down. 😉

  2. Sounds like a lot of small secondaries. Send a few more drones just to make sure.

  3. romanwhynot on


  4. Kan4lZ0n3 on

    Not the Red Dawn Putin wants, but certainly the one he deserves.

    Burn baby burn!

  5. Which_Algae_112 on

    👍😁👍 Insert happy dance here 😁 #SlavaUkraini

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