The World would be best advised simply taking out billions in advertising to cover every last atrocity the Kremlin has their hands in before and since the start of the war. That way it can confront the absurdity of every lie that will and continues to come out of Moscow.
His-Mightiness on
They know the truth, they know what they’ve done and they know that if people know what they did than it will not be good for them, so they hide behind a wall of lies that they have conditioned their people to believe as truth. And I would like to quote Ronald Regan… “tear down this wall.”
CoreyDenvers on
Translation: Russia has made concentration camps in Ukraine
Tribolonutus on
A nation that murders PoWs spreads lies about concentration camps…
daskeyx0 on
Everything is projection with Russia. If not projection, then lies.
The World would be best advised simply taking out billions in advertising to cover every last atrocity the Kremlin has their hands in before and since the start of the war. That way it can confront the absurdity of every lie that will and continues to come out of Moscow.
They know the truth, they know what they’ve done and they know that if people know what they did than it will not be good for them, so they hide behind a wall of lies that they have conditioned their people to believe as truth. And I would like to quote Ronald Regan… “tear down this wall.”
Translation: Russia has made concentration camps in Ukraine
A nation that murders PoWs spreads lies about concentration camps…
Everything is projection with Russia. If not projection, then lies.