Abilmente eliminati dalla corsa alla leadership dei Tory mentre Jenrick e Badenoch si trovano ad affrontare il voto finale


di IsWasMaybeAMefi


  1. corbynista2029 on

    Wait, what?? I thought Tugendhat people would back Cleverly, but instead Cleverly lost two votes? Is this some kind of tactical voting gone wrong?

  2. Marcuse0 on

    Well, looks like the Tories won’t be winning the next election if this keeps up. Jenrick or Badenoch. Man the membership don’t have any hope.

  3. WebDevWarrior on

    To quote the ever reliable tagline from Alien VS Predator:

    >Whoever Wins…We Lose.

  4. dalehitchy on

    Lol…. Never fails to amaze me that Tories put forward the two worst people.

    It should be super easy to win me over as a voter at the moment. I’m in my mid to late 30’s, I’m finally starting to build a bit of wealth, I own property…. But they just put forward these crazy politicians that are so bent on culture wars.

    It really wouldn’t be that hard for me to actually vote Tory. Just put someone sensible forward that actually wants to build wealth in the country. Forget the culture war crap I’m begging you.

  5. Grayson81 on

    I thought Cleverly might try to tactically lend a few votes to Jenrick so that he could beat him in the final rather than losing to Bad Enoch.

    I wonder if he tried to do that and he accidentally knocked himself out instead? It would be pretty on-brand for him…

  6. Agreeable_Falcon1044 on

    Insert George Gregan “four more years” gif.

    Starmer has been having a crap Autumn. It’s suddenly got really good for him…

  7. NGeoTeacher on

    Out of the two, I hope it’s Jenrick, but it’s not exactly much of a choice is it. Both overpromoted idiots, but Jenrick is less of a far-right zealot.

  8. PrrrromotionGiven1 on

    Tories continue to learn nothing from their election defeat by leaving the centre ground to Labour

  9. Personal_Lab_484 on

    This might finally break the back of the two party system.

    If we run into 2028 with Badenoch mucking about with the Tories. Whom retain their toxicity from their previous 14 years.

    A Labour Party that doesn’t for some reason get some actual results through and are deeply unpopular.

    And then a cadre of either lunatics like Farage and the Green parties on either end. With the libdems and SNP thrown in for good measure.

    I could see a genuine result where the winner takes 20/23% of the vote. And of course with FPTP that could be an appalling majority of the seats.

    It’s been coming for a while. But neither Labour or the Tories appear ready to assume a mantle of broad unifiers as they once did.

    Badenoch is just not going to win. Never mind being a black woman seeking the votes or the top 10% of racists who live here.

  10. They said on the lunchtime news that he was the most likely to be in the final two. Low key hoping Badenoch wins for the entertainment value.

  11. aredddit on

    I didn’t know there was going to be a third Dumb and Dumber.

  12. -Krovos- on

    Well there goes the chance to have a Warhammer 40k fan PM lol

  13. Critical-Engineer81 on

    100% tactical voting went on to make sure that cleverly didn’t win.

  14. OutNotUp79 on

    Jesus Christ, the stories are going to pick the wrong choice. Again

  15. No-Computer-2847 on

    “Lads shall we try not being quite as mental as we have been for the last 14 years, maybe tone it down a little bit?”

    “Nah you’re alright”

  16. earth-calling-karma on

    LOL this morning at breakfast time he was the favourite. “He made a speech! He said “Act Normal!”

    – Now, he’s out.

  17. Ruin_In_The_Dark on

    “It’s like picking your favourite carrot out of a pile of vomit.”

  18. lastaccountgotlocked on

    The Membership have a track record of picking the shittest candidate. So it’s really anybody’s game from hereon in.

  19. mathsSurf on

    The “Beyond Thunderdome” option could be used..:with the last elected leader of the Conservative Party, Liz Truss, remaining Leader until a new leader is elected . A coronation does not count.

  20. That seems like a huge mistake. Those two might appeal to the weirdos in the conservative membership but they wont do well with the general public.

  21. I mean… As far as surnames go, Cleverly is an oxymoron when you look at the MP’s political record, and Tugendhat sounds like what I do when I’m browsing Xvideos. But somehow they’re much better candidates than what Jenrick or Badenoch would turn out to be.

  22. Now their deranged base will vote for Kimi “no maternity pay” Bad…truly astonishing to witness this party suicide

  23. If Kemi wins then a genuine Farage PM charge looks more and more likely in 2028.

    Absolutely despicable that this is the level of political leadership we’re looking at.

  24. manuka_miyuki on

    of course they knock out the slightly more sensible one of the three, otherwise it wouldn’t be a Tory leadership.

  25. StatisticianOwn9953 on

    This iteration of the Tory party will be interesting. Looks like they’re not going to be making Cameron-style moves on the centre, especially not with Reform harrassing them on the right. 2029 will be a good test of the belief that Britain’s discerning and pragmatic voters are drawn to the centre.

  26. Le_Ratman99 on

    The two most incompetent options. Neither will make it to the next election as leader. The party will only grow more divided under either of them, and will hardly be the effective and mature opposition a parliamentary democracy requires.

  27. Fire_Otter on

    They’re going to do it again they are going to pick the worst candidate available

    Jenrick will be Truss 2.0

  28. AssumptionClear2721 on

    Oh dear.

    I don’t think the phrase, “Choosing the lesser of two evils”, applies with these two.

  29. Ryannnnnn on

    Conservatives only chance of resurgence is to claw back the reform vote. Jenrick is the only one who can do that.

    This is classic weakest link tactics. Why put Cleverly in the final 2.

  30. Red_Dog1880 on

    Labour must not believe their luck.

    Lots of criticism aimed at them and then the Tories decide to go with 2 absolute idiots to potentially run their party.

    Cleverly would have actually be a good option for them but hey, keep at it.

  31. Frosty-Growth-2664 on

    The Tory party enters its Corbyn years, extreme and unelectable. Will it take them one or two more general election losses before they realise and reform? Will they even last that long?

  32. Memes_Haram on

    It’s amazing how the Tories have managed to put forth the two worst candidates for the job as the only choices. It’s almost like they are trying to make themselves even more unpopular than Starmer’s Labour. Might as well retain Sunak if those two idiots are the alternates.

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