Chiede la reintroduzione della lince in Irlanda

di Doitean-feargach555


  1. Garlic-Cheese-Chips on

    Any sniff of biodiversity should be welcomed but the farmers will cry bloody murder about it.

  2. jimmobxea on

    We need to stop this fantasy that we can reintroduce species such as this or wolves or whatever else. They’ll be shot or poisoned within days. And that’s not my opinion the Green Party thinks so too. It amounts to needless cruelty.

  3. stevewithcats on

    It would be great , but our tiny wilderness is for sheep farming, and the rest of the country is either dead forest or farms.

    Farmer would hunt them to extinction in 4 weeks.

  4. Cuan_Dor on

    There’s not enough suitable habitat in Ireland and it’s too fragmented according to [this study](

    Maybe if we get serious about reafforesting the country in a big way with native woodland we might be able to try reintroducing lynx in 50 or 60 years time.

    It’s easy to call for reintroducing species but the reality is much more difficult, it will take decades of laying the groundwork before we should even think of attempting it.

  5. defo-not-m-martin-ff on

    Do we have enough land to support a healthy lynx population? Probably not.

    Our deer population is already suffering from inbreeding, so probably no point introducing a species here if we don’t bring in enough to maintain a healthy population.  

  6. NoKaleidoscope2477 on

    Yes, absolutely yes. Big scary fluffy mountain cats is just what my weekend hikes needed.

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