Uno studente di giurisprudenza che ha definito Bukayo Saka “una scimmia” evita il carcere

di Aggressive_Plates


  1. Saying offensive, even very racist things shouldn’t result in a jail sentence for anyone unless they include an incitement to violence. So good.

  2. High-Tom-Titty on

    Wonder if he’s still a student, they still have student contracts.

  3. EdmundTheInsulter on

    I’m glad you can get a 2nd chance for that as well as for killing people with cars and smashing bottles on people’s heads.

  4. GhostRiders on

    Jail shouldn’t even be discussed.. Nobody should go to jail for being a cunt, even a racist cunt.

    A much better option and one which will would benefit everyone would be like 100 hours of community service such as cleaning road verges, parks, public places etc whilst wearing a bright orange jumpsuit with what crime they committed on the back for all to see.

    Also their picture and crime would be printed in local papers and put up on a website.

    So for this guy his jumpsuit would have racist on the back, his picture and crime printed in the locla gazette / telegraph and up on a dedicated website for the area they live in.

    I would say this would be a much more effective deterrent and punishment as well as being significantly cheaper.

  5. iowneveryiphone on

    Free speech allows speech you dont like. Same way the girl avoided jail for coconut placket with Rishi Sunak. Offensive ? Yes. Illegal? No

  6. This ruling is objectively racism, right?

    If the offender was white, there would be absolutely 0 possibility that any judge lets a non-black offender get away with the claim that “they weren’t intending to be racist.”

    So we’ve in effect now got a system where it’s legal to say certain words if you’re one colour, but illegal if you’re another.

  7. Far-Crow-7195 on

    Jailing him would have been ludicrous. If we are going to jail people for being a nob and using hurty words then we really won’t have any jail space left for the actually dangerous people who have victims.

  8. lifeisaman on

    It shouldn’t be the place of the state to regulate what people can and can’t say no matter how vile or repugnant they may be as the best answer to speech however horrid is free discourse and debate

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