Una piccola volpe ha visitato i difensori per il cibo in scatola a Chernihiv e poi è diventata un’ospite abituale. Nonostante la sua natura predatoria, l’animale si è reso conto rapidamente di essere al sicuro e almeno ben nutrito con i soldati
di Exotic-Strawberry667
Foxes are cute and smart and the story is heartwarming and shows how humane these folks are. On the other hand I’d be very careful of a fox’ bite and the potential rabies.
Glory to the heroes.
That’s cute. 😍
There’s a special place in the heart for people who are kind to animals ♥️
Careful buddy you know what happened to wolves generations ago. First you get food and then you get a warm fire and a comfy bed, and you know what this is fine.
Ukrainian treats sure taste better than orc flesh. 🦊
Adorable, but also a sad reminder that so much wildlife and forestry has been lost that animals left must alter their natural behavior. May the orcs fertilize 1,000 years of growth.
Beautiful animal, it’s nice to see animals being looked after, can’t imagine what those fucking arsehole Russians would do to it.
Lucky fox.