Il costo della recinzione sul Canal Grande è stato tre volte superiore a quanto dichiarato da Waterways Ireland al PAC

di Holiday_Toe5779


  1. Prestigious_Low_2157 on

    >as people seeking asylum “with no where else to go, would inevitably go towards the first source of protection

    It’s our fault for putting them in this situation in the first place, we should have just not let them in

  2. Imbecile_Jr on

    not one day goes by in ireland without taxpayer money being pissed down the drain with no hint of accountability. Its scandalous.

  3. betamode on

    With an unaccountable and unsackable civil service how is anyone shocked by this.
    No matter who is in government, none of this will change unless people worry about getting a p45.

  4. RealDealMrSeal on

    And it barely worked. Tents were in the fencing on a regular basis.

  5. blockfighter1 on

    Only one thing will fix this kind of thing, voting the same people in again.

  6. yamalamama on

    ‘The Taoiseach’s department’s only role was to manage communications and press releases about the operation, the documents say.’

    Completely originated from the Taoiseach’s office with pressure put on to do this and taking all the glory. Now it’s nothing to do with them that it was a waste of money and they had no right to leave it up.

    I don’t mind people having to make hard decisions or making mistakes but I cannot abide bullshitters.

  7. SpyderDM on

    Our government just loves throwing our tax money out the window.

  8. SpyderDM on

    I brought up problems with the immigration department’s ability to accurately process documentation, the cost efficiency issues created by the very high error rates from those civil service workers and how in the private sector that type of error rate would have them all lose their jobs. The answer I received from a senior government compliance official (who asked for the meeting due to some complaints I made as a business) was… oh, well they are getting much better with the backlog so it should all be fine soon.

    Absolutely no thought of accountability for government workers who are absolute shite at their jobs. No one in the government gives a fuck – they don’t want accountability and they know that politicians won’t drive the changes needed because it would also make the politicians have to be accountable.

  9. taibliteemec on

    Anything Simon Harris touches turns to shit. The man is inccompetent.

  10. Professional_Elk_489 on

    I don’t live in Ireland anymore. What’s grand canal look like now? Is it back to normal?

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