C’è una parola in finlandese per indicare quando il fogliame cambia colore in autunno: Ruska. Altre lingue hanno una parola per questo?


di SpaceEngineering


  1. Virtual_Plenty_6047 on

    The funny thing is that in Serbian (and some other ex-yugoslavia countries) “Ruska” means “Russian”.

  2. PagegiuRajonas on

    In Lithuania we call November – Lapkritis, which basicaly means the month when leafs fall. Kinda strange, since all the trees have droped all thier leafs during October, or have we call it – Spalis. Maybe global waming, idk…

  3. PagegiuRajonas on

    In Lithuania we call November – Lapkritis, which basicaly means the month when leafs fall. Kinda strange, since all the trees have droped all thier leafs during October, or have we call it – Spalis. Maybe global waming, idk…

  4. Internal_Share_2202 on

    absolutely no idea, but that is : incredibly beautiful

  5. TimmyB02 on

    In Dutch we have “herfstkleuren” as in “autumn colours” but ruska is definitely a more specific and better word for the context. 

    Polish people please correct me if I’m wrong but I believe in Polish they have złota Polska jesień, which specifically refers to the golden autumn of Poland.

  6. ddl_smurf on

    One might guess that “fall” (the synonym of autumn) refers to leaves

  7. drdfrgplls on

    In my tongue, this changing of colors is called ‘senescence’.

  8. toric-code on

    I think in German “Herbstfärbung” is as close as it gets to this. This basically means autumn color though.

  9. True-Blacksmith4235 on

    Not that i can think of a Serbian word for it, but this photo is stunning.

  10. morphick on

    Romanian has various derivatives of “rust”, like “A ruginit pădurea” / “The forest has rusted” or “frunze ruginii” / “rusty leaves”.

  11. Hillgrove on

    I’ve heard it being called flüggåәnkб€čhiœßølįên.

  12. In Sweden we call it “höstskrud”, which roughly translates into “autumn shroud”.

  13. scricimm on

    Ruska – from rust/rusty? Also in Romania we have a word, “ruginiu”

  14. GwanTheSwans on

    Mostly variations on a stock phrase “Duilleoga Ildaite an Fhómhair”, appearing in Irish children’s Irish homework since time immemorial.

    But it just means “Multicolored Leaves of Autumn” pretty much.

  15. Telefragg on

    In Russian the middle of October is called “golden autumn” or “old woman’s summer” (IDK how to translate that better).

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