Esperto di disinformazione teme che la diocesi stia aiutando a diffondere le “teorie del complotto”

di That_Technician_439


  1. Agreeable_Taint2845 on

    Caught the clap, wrote a poem

    The mickey, it stings—
    the clap, fierce as an open wound,
    festering from that night in Dingle,
    where sweat and breath mingled
    in shadows we should have known better than to trust.

    You pulled me in,
    hands rough, lips careless,
    and I was lost in it, in the salt-soaked air,
    the heat of you,
    until we were all flesh and want,
    reckless in a moment that now festers.

    Now it burns, deep, raw—
    not just skin but inside, like acid eating through,
    a reminder in every throb,
    a slow, relentless ache.
    The clap—
    it crawls through me,
    fire under my skin,
    and no cure will cleanse
    the memory of how it got there.

    Dingle, your name,
    seared into my body,
    a scar I can’t forget,
    a lesson I won’t.

  2. Vandelay1979 on

    Guessed Phonsie was probably linked somehow before I opened the link.

  3. ImpovingTaylorist on

    They are right about the ‘mainstreaming’ effect that giving these fringe groups has.

    In a local school recently, the principal invited in a speaker to speak to the staff about transgender issues as they are topical within the school.

    The speaker described themselves as impartial and as giving impartial views however, it was anything but.

    The speaker spoke about transgender regret, described it as a fad some teachers in ‘bigger city schools’ pushed, was linked to pedophilia and teachers even speaking to students about it should be reported and are probably abusing the childern. So teachers left the ‘talk’ but the majority stayed.

    The feeling in the school now is incredibly militant against transgender issues. Teachers now feel judged for showing any kind of sympathy with transgender issues or students.

  4. Smiley_Dub on

    I suppose there’s a conspiracy theory now about having already paid full restitution to the victims of sexual abuse?

    Legislate now. Compel them to pay

  5. shevek65 on

    Is the catholic church not mental enough for you? Come on down to Waterford, where it’s the end of days every day!

  6. dimebag_101 on

    This is deffo true especially certain sub groups within it. People I know are indoctrinated. And they believe every conspiracy.

    There are still sections obsessed with creating servile trad wife baby machines. Cus the men are wasters and want to blame anyone else for their failures

  7. TheRealPaj on

    When you see that lunatic with the posters all over his car (entirely blocking his view from the car – causing him to nearly run down a very young child while protesting against the 8th), down there with his friends every weekend, wrecking everyone’s head – yea, it isn’t hard to believe.

  8. You can see by the photo of Jesus in Waterford that he’s not happy with what’s happening there. It’s clearly giving him heartburn ( and probably other gastrointestinal problems as well)

  9. Impressive_Essay_622 on

    Yeah no shit…

    Been doing it for nearly 2k years. 

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