In passato ho visto delle terribili birre Guinness su questo sottomarino dai pub giapponesi, ma l’ho mangiato ieri sera ed era una pinta decente come se fossi tornata a casa. La testa al 60% sembra essere una reliquia del passato.
di DannyDublin1975
Nice domage
The shit ones are pulled by someone who hasn’t been shown how to pull a pint of Guinness. That’s all it is. They aren’t shit at pulling pints, they just haven’t been trained on how you serve Guinness and the result is they pull it the same way they pull all the Japanese pints, which are meant to have lots of foam. Whatever pub you were in has trained their staff on Guinness so you got a nice pint.
where abouts you get that
Hairy Japanese Legends
That’s after putting the goo on me, I’ve a yen for a creamy Guinness now..