qualche idea di cosa possano essere? Devo guardare molto da vicino per individuarli, oggi ce n’erano una decina in due muri diversi, ma non è la prima volta che li vediamo. Sono così piccoli che la mia macchina fotografica non riesce a metterli a fuoco
di Prestigious-Yard-760
these could be bed bugs/bed bug larvae. are they anywhere else other than on the walls?
I’m not a insect specialist but Circle to Search AI suggests that this is a Brotkäfer (‘Drugstore beetle’ for the non-native speakers).
The picture is too bad to tell but google psocid and compare it with your little crawlers.
If they are psocids they are rather harmless and multiply when the humidity is too high. Get humidity below 60% and they should die off.
Hard to see from those images but looks like booklice by the shape and colour. If so they’re harmless, and like damp warm environments. Make sure to do regalmäßig stoßlüften
I also have them but only in the bathroom and occasionally in kids room. Only on the walls. I’m about to buy dehumidifier, hopefully this will help. Don’t remember what was the name but identified them as those harmless who prefer humid environment – they were mentioned in another comment.