Il Ministero degli Esteri ha chiesto di rinviare la visita nel Regno Unito dell’ex presidente di Taiwan per non far arrabbiare la Cina

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  1. BlackShuckChuck on

    Another Labour homerun! This is really starting to feel like a continuity government…

  2. denyer-no1-fan on

    >Ministers are looking at restarting high-level economic dialogue with China and Rachel Reeves, the chancellor, is drawing up plans to travel to the country next year.

    Why are our politicians so obsessed with developing trade relations with countries that are nowhere close to us? The Tories with the US, Australia, India, and now Labour with China. What happens to the sensible and pragmatic move of developing a closer relationship with our closest and largest trading bloc – the fucking European Union???

  3. BobMonkhaus on

    Dunno why anyone is shocked, Lammy went back on his Trump opinion after it looked like he stands a chance. He’s a total carpet.

  4. Mellllvarr on

    We should be investing in other countries, not the nature destroying, ocean claiming, Uyghur torturing, Russia aiding authoritarian nightmare that is the CCP.

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